Wednesday 14 September 2011

Week 2- Atul Sharma

After researching into a wide range of genres we decided that we would choose Comedy for our short film production. Chris then carried out further research into the comedy genre. This research made us aware that there were sub genres within Comedy. As a group we established that Cringe Comedy would be the appropriate genre for our production.

Before beginning our production we all researched in to other short films. We analysed the codes and conventions of short comedy films on YouTube. This was beneficial to us as we were able to understand codes and conventions of comedy short films and would aim to implement this to our own production.  
As Chris was the cameraman he carried out research into different shot types that we could use appropriately in our own production. He also researched into match on action and 180 degree rule.

During this week Syed also created a Facebook group which I and Chris joined as members. The purpose of creating a Facebook group was for all group members to be able to contact and share ideas which each other. Also we will be able to ask other Facebook users for feedback on our production. Chris also created a Twitter account which will aid with promoting and gain feedback of our production.

This week we also decided our production company name to be Light Sphere Productions, this is due to being a unique name and relating to a ‘light- hearted’ production which all comedy tend to be. Chris created a company logo on Photoshop; the logo that was created was of a high standard as it was clear and easy to remember. 